Tomorrow is Tuesday but not just any Tuesday, on Twitter it’s #TopTweetTuesday thanks to the wonderful poet Matthew M C Smith, editor of Black Bough Poems and author of the superb poetry collection Origin: 21 Poems (buy on Amazon and read ‘Footprints’ and ‘Daughters’ and you’ll see why it’s unmissable, passionate, thought-provoking, and he’s Welsh- so what more reason is there to adore it) and it’s a day where one poet hosts and all other poets are invited to come by and share one of their poems or the poem of their favourite writer of the moment and the host comments on it and reposts it so even more people can see it and read it and share it and love it. It’s about loving poetry and raving about it and sharing it.

Well, tomorrow I’m the host, so if you’re on Twitter and have a poem that you love and want to share then it’s easy- either drop by @blackboughpoems to see how it works or just type @blackboughpoems and #TopTweetTuesday and @deuxiemepeau into the tweet along with your poem and whatever else you want to say and off we go…


See you all tomorrow, on Twitter.

Wear something fabulous and share something even better.



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